Stock of the Week

Performance of Our STOCK OF THE WEEK selections are listed here. For comparison purposes, we show equal investments in the S&P 500 index and Treasury Bonds. The net results will show how our selections have fared relative to the broad market. We are experience amateur investors writing for entertainment and educational purposes only. We have enjoyed much success in the past but the past offers no guarantee of future performance

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Investments in airlines have been our top perfomers returning 200% over purchase. With load factors and the price of airline tickets on the rise as well as the increase in international travel, we expect these to continue to rise. Other top performers in our Stock of the Week Portfolio

After the airlines, US Gypsum is our best performer. US Gypsum which manufactures and distributes building materials returned 4th quarter net sales up 14% in its secon consecutive year of record shipments. In our Stock of the Week Portfolio, we have increase 159% since purchase.

The next top performer in our portfolio is Zones. Netting 2 million during the 4th quarter, Zones closed 2005 with its 4th consecutive year of earnings growth. Zones is a direct seller of hardware, software and accessories. In the Stock of the Week Portfolio
Zones has given us a 79 % return.

AIRM Air Methods Corporation which provides air emergency transport services in 15 states, has given us growth of 78% and Jewette Cameron, which reported annual increases of 60%, has given us a 54% increase in our Stock of the Week Portfolio.

Check out these an other individual stocks to see if you want to add any of these to your personal stock portfolios.

Ride the Bull!


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Thursday, March 02, 2006


Investments in airlines have been our top perfomers returning 200% over purchase. With load factors and the price of airline tickets on the rise as well as the increase in international travel, we expect these to continue to rise. Other top performers in our Stock of the Week Portfolio

After the airlines, US Gypsum is our best performer. US Gypsum which manufactures and distributes building materials returned 4th quarter net sales up 14% in its secon consecutive year of record shipments. In our Stock of the Week Portfolio, we have increase 159% since purchase.

The next top performer in our portfolio is Zones. Netting 2 million during the 4th quarter, Zones closed 2005 with its 4th consecutive year of earnings growth. Zones is a direct seller of hardware, software and accessories. In the Stock of the Week Portfolio
Zones has given us a 79 % return.

AIRM Air Methods Corporation which provides air emergency transport services in 15 states, has given us growth of 78% and Jewette Cameron, which reported annual increases of 60%, has given us a 54% increase in our Stock of the Week Portfolio.

Check out these an other individual stocks to see if you want to add any of these to your personal stock portfolios.

Ride the Bull!
